Monday, September 21, 2009


"President Obama scrapped the missile defense system designed to protect Poland from Russian attack Thursday on the seventieth anniversary of Russia's invasion of Poland. This explains why Obama removed the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office and sent it back to the British Embassy. He wanted one of Neville Chamberlain...

"President Obama skipped Fox News on his media blitz Sunday because he said Fox is devoted solely to attacking him. That's fair. He felt burned after they aired undercover tapes showing ACORN telling him how to turn self-pity into world domination. ..

"President Obama will be the first U.S. president to chair the U.N. Security Council this week. The U.N. is traditionally where Third World leaders air their grievances against U.S.-British imperialism and Zionism. Obama was elected chairman by acclamation."

-- Argus Hamilton

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